2023/2024 Feng Shui Tips and Cures
2023/2024 Flying Star Chart
→ 2023 Feng Shui Flying Stars
→ 2024 Feng Shui Flying Stars
Meanings of Nine Flying Stars
One White (一白): a star in charge of romance. It belongs to water in five elements and mainly affects people's marriage and relation with others.
Two Black (二黑): an illness star. It belongs to earth in five elements and is mainly adverse to health, especially gynecological and gastrointestinal diseases.
Three Blue (三碧): a quarrelsome star. It belongs to wood in five elements and may lead to lawsuit, dispute, quarrel and theft.
Four Green (四绿): Wenchang (文昌) Star in charge of romance and education. It belongs to wood in five elements and is good for study, exam, advanced study, fame and clerical work.
Five Yellow (五黄): an extremely inauspicious star. It belongs to earth in five elements and is adverse to health, may lead to misfortune.
Six White (六白): Wuqu (武曲) Star. It belongs to metal in five elements and is good for promotion, military official and wealth. Sometimes, it causes finacial loss and injury.
Seven Red (七赤): also known as Pojun (破军) Star. It has the strong destructive force, belongs to metal in five elements and mainly leads to financial losses, theft, prison and injury.
Eight White (八白): a prosperous star. It belongs to earth in five elements and is very good for wealth and promotion.
Nine Purple (九紫): a celebration star. It belongs to fire in five elements and means all kinds of festive and auspicious things, especially wedding and baby birth.
2023/2024 Grand Duke (Tai Sui 太岁) and Year Breaker Star (Sui Po 岁破)
Tai Sui for 2023 is General Pi Shi (皮时).
Tai Sui for 2024 is General Li Cheng (李诚).
In 2023, the Grand Duke is located in the East. The Year Breaker Star clashes with the Grand Duke and should be treated with the same degree of caution. The direction of Year Breaker is located in the West in 2023. In 2024, the Grand Duke is located in the Southeast and the direction of Year Breaker is Northwest.
What to Avoid:
1. Avoid moving into a house facing towards the Grand Duke that is East in 2023 and Southeast in 2024.
2. Avoid renovations, groundbreaking or major changes in the two directions of East and West in 2023, Southeast and Northwest in 2024.
3. Don’t sit facing the Grand Duke or sleep with your head pointing towards his direction.
4. In 2023, if you are born in the year of the Rabbit, Rooster, Dragon, Rat or Horse sign, you clash with Tai Sui. In 2024, if you are born in the year of the Dragon, Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, you clash with Tai Sui. If you are under one of these signs, you should avoid East and West directions especially in 2023, and Southeast and Northwest in 2024.
Three Killings
Three Killings (3 Killings, 3 Evils or San Sha 三煞) usually cause obstacles, mishaps, misfortunes and disasters to you if you couldn’t treat it properly. It is one of the major afflictions that need to be updated before the Chinese New Year (Li Chun or the beginning of spring). 2023 is the year of Rabbit, Rabbit, Pig and Sheep, one of the Four Compatible Groups (San He 三合), form the Wood chart and wood indicates East, so the opposit direction of East which is West is the direction of Three Killings. 2024 is the year of Dragon. Rat, Monkey and Dragon, one of the Four Compatible Groups (San He 三合), form the Water chart and water indicates North so the opposit direction of North which is South is the direction of Three Killings.
What to Avoid?
1. The direction of Three Killings shall be static rather than dynamic and this area shall have no groundbreaking, crossbar or pillar, or placed with plants or potted plants, so as to avoid offending the Three Killings.
2. No entrance here. It means the door of shop, house or office shall not be at the Three Killings direction.
3. The office (seat) or bedroom (bed) shall not be located at the Three Killings direction.
Lastest Questions and Answers
New House Front Door (1 Reply ) Asked by V***n | 9/26/2022 7:20:31 AM