Common Dreams and Their Meanings
Follow are dream interpretations based on The Interpretation of Dreams by the Duke of Zhou to those most common dreams:
How to Interpret Your Dreams?
The interpretation of dreams can't be like a dictionary which provides objective and standard answers. In the interpretation of a dream, the environment of having the dream shall be recalled before interpreting the dream. Also, the interpretation is not limited to the dream images and it requires digging the potential content, thus particularly difficult.
Pregnancy Dreams
Also called birth dream, It refers to the dream associated with pregnancy and birth of the baby. It can not only predict the baby's gender but also his/her fate, talent, character, job, etc.
What are dreams?
About The Interpretation of Dreams by the Duke of Zhou
Types of Dreams
Straight Dreams
It means you encounter the characters and things you have dreamed about during the night. For example, you haven't seen your friend for a while and you have dreamed about him/her during the night, then you see him/her in the day. This kind of dream is called the Straight Dream.
Contrary Dreams
It means what you have dreamed about is contrary to the reality.
Happy Dreams
It refers to the dreams caused by favor or joy. You have something happy in your heart that you even laugh in the dream.
Missing Dreams
Generally, it means the dream caused by missing or recalling someone.
Symbolizing Dreams
This kind of dream doesn't directly express the meaning but symbolizes something. For example, you have dreamed about reaching for the sky which is actually impossible; here, the sky is symbolic and it symbolizes virility, dignity and monarch.
Sleeping Dreams
It refers to the dream caused by what you have said, seen and done when you are awakening.
Temperament Dreams
It means the dream with different dream images caused by your character and temperament.
Personal Dreams
It means the symbolic meaning of the same dream varies with the social status, gender, age, etc. of the dreamers.
Sense Dreams
It means the dream caused by climate factors, namely the dream out of your sense on the outside climate.
Seasonal Dreams
It means the dream caused by seasonal factors.
Borrowing Dreams
It means the dream in which the God or ancestor appears to foreshow the good or ill luck, disaster or happiness.
Entrusting Dreams
It means the dream caused by the induction between people. For example, the good or ill luck, disaster or happiness of one person appears in the dream of another person, vice versa; or two people in different places dream about the same thing.
Illness Dreams
It means the dream predicting your illness. From the TCM perspective, this kind of dream is caused by the imbalance of Yin-Yang and five elements.
Ghost Dreams
It means the nightmare with horrible dream images. Most of the ghost dreams are caused by the wrong sleeping posture or some diseases.
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