Finger Palmistry

From the perspective of the Five Elements in Chinese Astrology, each of the five fingers has a mystery and significance, and the length, shape, and moistening of the fingers can reveal the fate. Fingers, as the organ most closely connected to all systems of the human body, can also accurately and timely reflect the internal activities of the body, becoming a barometer of human health and luck.

Meanings of Each Finger

Thumb: The thumb reveals a person's willpower and judgment. People with large, thick thumbs are of noble character, healthy and long-lived, and have strong organizational and coordination skills, often occupying leadership positions.
Index Finger: The index finger indicates a person’s desire for fame. People with thicker and longer index fingers than other fingers are of strong self-confidence and motivation, and are politically minded and good at surviving in a hostile interpersonal environment, so they also have the potential to succeed in their careers.
Middle Finger: The middle finger is the longest of the five fingers, and it is also the finger that indicates the depth of thought. People with longer than thicker middle fingers than average people are cautious, not good at social activities, and like to think alone.
Ring Finger: the ring finger indicates the materialistic desire and artistic temperament. Those people with long ring fingers have a strong sense of luck and are addicted to gambling. Particularly, if their ring fingers are thick and long, they not only have the temperament of an artist, but also have a lot of food and clothing.
Little Finger: The little finger reveals social skills. Those with thick and long little fingers are intelligent and eloquent. They exude a rational light. Generally speaking, the length of the little finger should reach the first joint of the ring finger.

Fingers' Length Meanings And Personality

Length of fingers has different meanings and they show a person’s personalities in palm reading. Let’s take a look at what each finger reveals one by one by judging from its length.

Space/Gaps Between Fingers

Between the fingers are four gaps (interdigital folds) which reflect person's personality, behavior, fortune, achievement and thought. Here is the meaning of space/gaps between fingers in Palmistry.

Knuckles Reading

The four fingers - index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger - are all made up of three segments of knuckles. Among them, the first knuckle segment at the top of the finger represents spirit, the second knuckle section in the middle represents reality, and the third knuckle section at the bottom represents material. Check the following links to know more about how to read your knuckles.

Knuckles Size and Length Meanings People With Thick Knuckles Have A Harder Life Than People With Thin Knuckles?

Fingerprint Palmistry

What does your fingerprint say about you? There are two basic patterns Whorl and Loop. By reading your fingerprint, you could get your main personality in nature and some other characters. 

What Does Your Fingerprint Say about You?

Fingernail Reading

Fingernails are the essential parts of human body. In terms of palm reading, a person's fingernails can tell his character, luck and health. The pink, glossy and smooth fingernails which are unlikely to be broken and have moderate thickness and hardness, with the lunula (being found in the five fingernails is the best) accounting for one fifth of the fingernail length, are the signs of good health.

Fingernail Shape and Personality Fingernail Lunula Meaning and Health

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