1971 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Pig
Year of the Metal Pig
People born in the year of 1971 (Jan. 27, 1971 - Feb. 24, 1972) are members of the Metal Pig. For those born before Jan. 27, 1971, they belong to the zodiac animal of Metal Dog.
Personality and Horoscope for the Metal Pig
Metal pigs born in 1971 are punctual and open-minded, and they would repay as much as they can for even a little bit of favor they have received. Also, they are kindhearted and helpful, and they are willing to help the friends they care about. Metal pigs have the leadership ability but they are born indolent and contented, so they are often content with the status quo and never officious or active. They need to cultivate their persistence and perseverance to be successful.
Metal pigs are dashing in work and they will make achievements once they consider carefully.
Most of the metal pigs are direct in expressing their feelings and they often express their emotions frankly, sometimes even neglect the feelings of others. Once they fall in love with someone, they will strive for pursuing and they may move the other with a sincere attitude and win the sweet love. From the perspective of luck with the opposite sex, male metal pigs usually have better luck than the females and the married metal pigs have steady relationship with their partner. However, female metal pigs may suffer from love entanglement, so they need to be careful and prevent it from affecting the family's harmony.
Metal pigs have prosperous luck in wealth and favorable fast luck, but they don't know the principle of increasing income and reducing expenditure, so they often squander wantonly and suffer from financial problem if they are not careful. Therefore, they need to develop the habit of accounting every day or they may try the small investment which will bring them the unexpected result, but they cannot be too greedy.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Pig of Other Elements:
Also get to know:
Metal-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Pig 2024 Horoscope Forecast for the Pig People Born in 1971
Metal pigs are dashing in work and they will make achievements once they consider carefully.
Most of the metal pigs are direct in expressing their feelings and they often express their emotions frankly, sometimes even neglect the feelings of others. Once they fall in love with someone, they will strive for pursuing and they may move the other with a sincere attitude and win the sweet love. From the perspective of luck with the opposite sex, male metal pigs usually have better luck than the females and the married metal pigs have steady relationship with their partner. However, female metal pigs may suffer from love entanglement, so they need to be careful and prevent it from affecting the family's harmony.
Metal pigs have prosperous luck in wealth and favorable fast luck, but they don't know the principle of increasing income and reducing expenditure, so they often squander wantonly and suffer from financial problem if they are not careful. Therefore, they need to develop the habit of accounting every day or they may try the small investment which will bring them the unexpected result, but they cannot be too greedy.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Pig of Other Elements:
Water Pig: 1983 (Feb. 13, 1983 - Feb. 01, 1984)
Earth Pig: 1959 (Feb. 08, 1959 - Jan. 27, 1960) and 2019 (Feb. 05, 2019 - Jan. 24, 2020)
Fire Pig: 1947 (Jan. 22, 1947 - Feb. 09, 1948) and 2007 (Feb.18, 2007 - Feb. 06, 2008)
Wood Pig: 1935 (Feb. 04, 1935 - Jan. 23, 1936) and 1995 (Jan. 31, 1995 - Feb. 18, 1996)
Also get to know:
Metal-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Pig 2024 Horoscope Forecast for the Pig People Born in 1971
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