1950, 2010 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Tiger
Years of the Metal Tiger
People born in the year of 1950 (Feb. 17, 1950 - Feb. 05, 1951) and 2010 (Feb. 14, 2010 - Feb. 02, 2011) which is Geng Yin Year are members of the Metal Tiger. For those born before Feb. 17, 1950 and Feb. 14, 2010, they belong to the zodiac animal of Earth Ox.
Personality and Horoscope for the Metal Tiger
Metal tigers are positive; they love freedom and dislike being constrained. They often have inspirations. But they are self-centered. Driven by vanity, metal tigers work harder than others because they wish to achieve their goals. Also, they have the courage to face the problem and they are optimistic, thus confident in their own actions. Therefore, they usually take the sudden and drastic ways and don't allow others to intervene. If they change their dictatorial personality and be more open-minded, they will get along with others more harmoniously.
Metal tigers like the quiet and peaceful family life and they are family-oriented. Female metal tigers are very enthusiastic while males have the temperament entirely different with the passionate appearance and they tend to be feminine, irresolute and formalistic but the appearance is more difficult to manipulate.
Metal tigers won't take the work back and do at home and they are considerate to their partner, but they are reticent and won't speak sugared words. Their troubles usually lie in emotional problems. Males often worry about their wives' unstable mood. As long as they are tolerant enough and pay more love, their marriage will not have serious problems. Female metal tigers often worry about family members' behaviors and they feel angry about their children's behaviors, which may lead to conflicts. Also, they always get upset because their husbands often go out. Therefore, they should not be over suspicious and they can protect their marriage once they show their concern and gentleness to their husbands.
Metal tigers are crazy for power and they will make some achievements once they work hard and keep learning. With good interpersonal relationship, they often get the support from their colleagues and they have a cordial working relationship, so their work goes smoothly. But they should not be sluggish because of good luck. Besides, the metal tigers often have many chances to win in all competitions.
In terms of wealth, metal tigers should properly handle the borrowing of money to avoid future disputes and losing the precious friends. They are fruitful in career and wealth in the whole life but the hard work is unavoidable. In order to avoid the unnecessary losses, they should not be crude and rash.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Tiger of Other Elements:
Also get to know:
Metal-type People in Chinese Astrology 2024 Monthly Horoscope Prediction for the Tigers
Metal tigers like the quiet and peaceful family life and they are family-oriented. Female metal tigers are very enthusiastic while males have the temperament entirely different with the passionate appearance and they tend to be feminine, irresolute and formalistic but the appearance is more difficult to manipulate.
Metal tigers won't take the work back and do at home and they are considerate to their partner, but they are reticent and won't speak sugared words. Their troubles usually lie in emotional problems. Males often worry about their wives' unstable mood. As long as they are tolerant enough and pay more love, their marriage will not have serious problems. Female metal tigers often worry about family members' behaviors and they feel angry about their children's behaviors, which may lead to conflicts. Also, they always get upset because their husbands often go out. Therefore, they should not be over suspicious and they can protect their marriage once they show their concern and gentleness to their husbands.
Metal tigers are crazy for power and they will make some achievements once they work hard and keep learning. With good interpersonal relationship, they often get the support from their colleagues and they have a cordial working relationship, so their work goes smoothly. But they should not be sluggish because of good luck. Besides, the metal tigers often have many chances to win in all competitions.
In terms of wealth, metal tigers should properly handle the borrowing of money to avoid future disputes and losing the precious friends. They are fruitful in career and wealth in the whole life but the hard work is unavoidable. In order to avoid the unnecessary losses, they should not be crude and rash.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Tiger of Other Elements:
Wood Tiger: 1974 (Jan. 23, 1974 - Feb. 10, 1975)
Water Tiger: 1962 (Feb. 05, 1962 - Jan. 24, 1963)
Earth Tiger: 1938 (Jan. 31, 1938 - Feb. 18, 1939) or 1998 (Jan. 28, 1998 - Feb. 15, 1999)
Fire Tiger: 1926 (Feb. 13, 1926 - Feb. 01, 1927) or 1986 (Feb. 09, 1986 - Jan. 28, 1987)
Also get to know:
Metal-type People in Chinese Astrology 2024 Monthly Horoscope Prediction for the Tigers
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