2023/2024 Chinese Horoscope for 1983 Pig
Note: The horoscope prediction is for people born between February 13, 1983 and February 01, 1984. If you were born before February 13, 1983, your Chinese zodiac sign is Dog. Please consult 2023 Chinese Zodiac Horoscope for the Dog Born in 1982.
2024 Horoscope Forecast
* The prediction is valid for 2024 (year of the Dragon) starting from February 10, 2024 and lasting to January 25, 2025.
The Pigs born in 1983 will be 41 years old in 2024. Although they have hit the middle age, this time will be a new beginning. In terms of work, they can still be full of great enthusiasm and passion. In addition, their fortune will be extremely stable this year, and with the assistance of the auspicious star of "Lu Xun", they will get the opportunities for promotion and salary increase. Those who have the thoughts can also try to start a business, which can bring them wealth. This year, the Pigs born in 1983 must grasp the opportunities, and never worry too much. In 2024, to further improve the luck in all aspect, the Pig people are recommended to wear a Diamond Knot Bracelet from YourChineseAstrology Store.
The abilities and talents of the Pigs born in 1983 are unquestionable. In 2024, they can give full play of their abilities and talents. With the help of the patrons, if they want to change jobs or start a business, they will be successful. Those who work in the government can get further promotion and have more power in their hands. In 2024, although their career will be promising, they should also keep a low profile. If they are planning to run their own business, it would be better to avoid partnering with friends and classmates so as to avoid conflicts and contradictions. In 2024, the Pig people had better wear a Saddle Knot Braided Bracelet to be blessed to be stable and improved in career. To enable the good result in exam or study, a Wenchang Knot Bracelet had better to be worn.
The overall financial fortune of the Pigs born in 1983 will be on the rise in 2024. Their income from full-time jobs will be quite abundant. By the end of the year, they may also have the opportunity to get dividends. They will also be very lucky in obtaining the wealth from the sideline business this year. They are advised to make some investments appropriately. However, they should remember not to follow suit, but to have their own judgment and be prudent, then they get may good returns. However, their financial loss may not be a small number, so when they go out, they should take care of their wallet and cell phone, because there is the possibility of loss. People born in the year of the Pig are recommended to wear a Money Knot Bracelet in 2024 to consolidate their fortunes, generate prosperity, and stay away from the risk of losing money.
Love Relationship
The Pigs born in 1983 will have a stable relationship fortune in 2024. The older single people may meet the opportunity to end their single status. On some social occasions or gathering of old classmates, they will have the opportunity to meet the significant other. For married people, their relationship with their loved ones will also be very harmonious this year, even if there will be occasional quarrels, the disputes and quarrels can be resolved promptly. If they are planning to have a baby, they will realize their wish this year. The Pig people, whether single or with a partner, can wear a string of Ruyi Peach Plossom Braided Bracelet to help stabilize the love relationship or attract love.
Although the Pigs born in 1983 have hit their middle age, their state of mind is still very young, and they are very optimistic. Their comprehensive fortune will be stable this year. There will be no major health problem this year, and they only need to take good care of the health maintenance. This year, they will have a lot of social engagement activities and go out frequently, they are advised to try to drink less alcohol, take care of their safety while driving, never drive under the influence of alcohol, and remember to fasten the seat belt. The Pig people are suggested to wear a peace-knot bracelet to be blessed with good health in 2024. For safe driving, the people under the Pig sign are suggested to wear a Boxwood Car Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament.
2023 Horoscope Forecast
* The prediction is valid for 2023 Year of the Rabbit which is from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.
People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Pig in 1983 will have a very good fortune in 2023. However, the power of the auspicious stars will be quite limited, and there will be many ominous stars around them, so the Pigs should not be too optimistic. In the daily life and work, they will still need to be careful and cautious so that they can completely keep themselves away from difficulties and make life become more harmonious and beautiful. To bless them and the whole family with happiness and good luck, it’s better to wear red agate bracelet with Pig sign in 2023.
In terms of career, the Pigs born in 1983 can get the help of the auspicious star of "Yi Ma" and have more opportunities to travel on business in 2023. If they are freelancers, they can also consider going afar away from home to seek for wealth, the chances of making a fortune far away from home will be very high. This year, there will be a series of changes in the work process, but they are good adjustments, the Pigs should not have to worry too much. This year, they may need to accept new trainings, and the work content to deal with may also vary and change each day, so they need to improve their personal adaptability. To improve luck in career in 2023, better wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Pig sign.
Financially, with the help of the auspicious star of "Guo Yin", the Pigs born in 1983 will have opportunities for promotion. Once get promotion, their salary and income will naturally increase. However, after the promotion and salary increase, the Pigs may have to bear more at work and shoulder heavier workload. At the same time, they will also encounter some unexpected fortune, so they can buy more lottery tickets and the chances of winning will be high. They can also buy some high-risk financial products, which can help them get a certain amount of return. For female, better wear a yellow citrine bracelet with Pig sign in 2023 to help bring good Feng Shui and rich in financial resources. And for male, better wear a Tiger’s eye bracelet with Pig sign.
Love Relationship
In terms of relationship, the Pigs born in 1983 will perform very well in 2023. However, under the influence of the ominous star of "Bai Hu(White Tiger)", their wives may become very irritable, so the Pigs should be more tolerant and understanding in their marriage life, and never confront their wifies, otherwise it will only make the family atmosphere become more depressing and worse. They are suggested to wear a rose quartz bracelet with Pig sign to attract good love or solve love and marriage crisis.
In terms of health, the Pigs born in 1983 may suffer from some accidents due to the influence of the ominous star of "Di Sha" in 2023. They should be careful when driving and should not take part in dangerous sports. If they are outdoor workers, they must learn to protect themselves this year, and try to reduce outdoor work during storms and thunderstorms. They should keep a healthy diet, restrain their desire for delicacies and avoid overeating because overeating will cause a heavy burden on the gastrointestinal health. They can wear a green agate bracelet with Pig sign to keep good healthy in 2023. If they often drive, they’d better hang a Boxwood Car Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament or Black Obsidian Double Pi Xiu Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament for Good Luck and Safe Driving in 2023.
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Horoscope for the Pig born in 1983 (4 Replies ) Asked by H***n | 3/30/2015 6:03:57 AM
Pig born in 1983. How about my horoscope this year? Someone said my fortune is not good this year and I need to wear a Jade Tiger to protect...