1938, 1998 Chinese Zodiac – Earth Tiger
Years of the Earth Tiger
People born in the year of 1938 (Jan. 31, 1938 - Feb. 18, 1939) or 1998 (Jan. 28, 1998 - Feb. 15, 1999) which is Wu Yin Year are members of the Earth Tiger. For those born before Jan. 31, 1938 or Jan. 28, 1998, they belong to the zodiac animal of Fire Ox.
Personality and Horoscope for the Earth Tiger
Earth tigers are diligent and they can express their ideas because they understand themselves well. With good thinking capacity and being pragmatic, they don't believe in the theories based on logic reasoning since they are practical and realistic, and they only believe what they see with their own eyes. Therefore, they have the potential of exploring truth and they are full of wisdom. Earth tigers are very serious in work and they are practical. They seldom change their belief or focus on one thing because they have the adventurous spirit.
Earth tigers are kind-hearted and they are ready to help others, thus very reliable. Because of their generosity, they may be paid back by the people they helped before and have their left-over problems solved. They are more likely to be helped by someone in life and have good results for everything. Also, they are always invited by others to dinner.
Earth tigers are proud, arrogant and quite confident. At the same time they are ambitious for the future and very enterprising. Sometimes, they are so ambitious that people feel they are insatiable.
In work, earth tigers are not content with things as they are, so they often have impressing performance, thus recognized by their boss. However, they need to seize the opportunity to show their ability and produce benefits. They'd better study further in spare time and consolidate their knowledge for getting promoted. Earth tigers are particularly clever, and they have a great interest in metaphysics and philosophy; if they can spend more time to study, they will make greater achievements in the future.
Being enterprising, earth tigers always have new ideas and they will benefit a lot if they discuss the plan with their partner. Earth tigers should be aware of the threat of the third party to their marriage and be more considerate for their partner rather than neglecting him/her and making him/her feel lonely, which may lead to extramarital love, even influence the career and mood of each other.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Tiger of Other Elements:
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2024 Horoscope Forecast for the Tiger Born in 1998Earth-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Tiger 2024 Monthly Horoscope Prediction for the Tigers
Earth tigers are kind-hearted and they are ready to help others, thus very reliable. Because of their generosity, they may be paid back by the people they helped before and have their left-over problems solved. They are more likely to be helped by someone in life and have good results for everything. Also, they are always invited by others to dinner.
Earth tigers are proud, arrogant and quite confident. At the same time they are ambitious for the future and very enterprising. Sometimes, they are so ambitious that people feel they are insatiable.
In work, earth tigers are not content with things as they are, so they often have impressing performance, thus recognized by their boss. However, they need to seize the opportunity to show their ability and produce benefits. They'd better study further in spare time and consolidate their knowledge for getting promoted. Earth tigers are particularly clever, and they have a great interest in metaphysics and philosophy; if they can spend more time to study, they will make greater achievements in the future.
Being enterprising, earth tigers always have new ideas and they will benefit a lot if they discuss the plan with their partner. Earth tigers should be aware of the threat of the third party to their marriage and be more considerate for their partner rather than neglecting him/her and making him/her feel lonely, which may lead to extramarital love, even influence the career and mood of each other.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Tiger of Other Elements:
Wood Tiger: 1974 (Jan. 23, 1974 - Feb. 10, 1975)
Water Tiger: 1962 (Feb. 05, 1962 - Jan. 24, 1963)
Metal Tiger: 1950 (Feb. 17, 1950 - Feb. 05, 1951) and 2010 (Feb. 14, 2010 - Feb. 02, 2011)
Fire Tiger: 1926 (Feb. 13, 1926 - Feb. 01, 1927) or 1986 (Feb. 09, 1986 - Jan. 28, 1987)
Also get to know:
2024 Horoscope Forecast for the Tiger Born in 1998Earth-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Tiger 2024 Monthly Horoscope Prediction for the Tigers
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