2023/2024 Chinese Horoscope for 1990 Horse

Note: The horoscope prediction is for people born between January 27, 1990 and February 14, 1991. If you were born before January 27, 1990, your Chinese zodiac sign is Snake. Please consult 2024 Chinese Zodiac Horoscope for the Snake Born in 1989.
* The prediction is valid for 2024 (year of the Dragon) starting from February 10, 2024 and lasting to January 25, 2025.

Overall, the fortune for the Horses born in 1990 will be relatively stable in 2024. They may face some challenges and pressure in career, but as long as they can keep a positive mind, they will be able to overcome the difficulties and achieve success. Their families and relationships will also be relatively stable. In 2024, they need to pay special attention to their physical health and personal safety. In 2024, to further improve the luck in all aspect, the Horse people are recommended to wear a Diamond Knot Bracelet from YourChineseAstrology Store.

The Horses born in 1990 will have a fairly good career luck in 2024. Whether office workers or self-employed people, they will achieve good performance in the work period. Having gotten rid of the negative impact of clash with Tai Sui, their working state will be particularly positive. They can get along well with their colleagues and complete the tasks assigned by their leadership conscientiously. It should be noted that the Horses need to keep low-pitched and modest when they have made some progress, and they should not be arrogant or complacent. In 2024, the Horse people had better wear a Saddle Knot Braided Bracelet to be blessed to be stable in career, and stay away from villains in the year. To enable the good result in exam or study, a Wenchang Knot Bracelet had better to be worn. 
The financial luck of the Horses born in 1990 will be significantly improved in 2024. Compared with the past, their income will increase substantially in the second half of the year. The Horses whose financial standing is poor will have a good financial luck. As long as they seize the opportunities, they will have a good harvest in wealth, and their financial situation will be better and better. People born in the year of the Horse are recommended to wear a Money Knot Bracelet in 2024 to consolidate their fortunes, generate prosperity, and stay away from the risk of losing money. 
Love Relationship
The Horses born in 1990 will also have a good relationship fortune in 2024. Having been waiting for so many years, they will get into the marital relationship. Although it comes late, they will get along very well with their partners. As such, they should cherish this relationship when getting along with each other. The relationship between the couple will be very stable. Although some people will face a long-distance relationship because of work, but the Horses will treat the relationship with a very positive attitude, which will not affect the progress of relationship. Horse people, whether single or with a partner, can wear a string of Ruyi Peach Plossom Braided Bracelet to help stabilize the love relationship or attract love. 
The Horses born in 1990 will need to pay attention to their physical health problems in 2024. For those who have a poor physical health condition, suffering from chronic diseases, their illness will recur many times and their illness may deteriorate this year. They should not take any chances. Once they do not feel well, they need to go to the hospital for medical treatment; they should not neglect because of the fear of the medical expense, but to have a good state of mind to face life. They should not allow their emotions to swing greatly because bad emotions will not be conducive to their health both physically and mentally. Horse people who drive can hang a Tiger's Eye Double Pi Xiu Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament in the car in 2024. It not only reminds them to drive carefully, but also means safety, and good luck for travel throughout the year. For good health, they are suggested to wear a peace-knot bracelet.

* The prediction is valid for 2023 Year of the Rabbit which is from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.

In 2023, those born under the zodiac animal sign of the Horse in 1990 will face challenges in all aspects due to the clash with Tai Sui. Those who used to be full of confidence may also have self-doubt and may even feel a bit disappointed about their future life. The Horses must shatter these negative thoughts and improve themselves. They should not only to try to learn more knowledge and skills, but also to become more confident and courageous to deal with challenges.

→ Chinese Zodiac 'Clashing with Tai Sui' with Remedies

In terms of career, although the Horses born in 1990 can get the help of the auspicious star of "Yu Tang", the possibility of achieving remarkable good results in the workplace is almost zero. This year, the workload on the Horses will be very heavy, and they need to deal with a lot of trivial and boring things every day, which will take a lot of time. The Horses will feel frustrated that their talents are unrecognized, and they will even feel desperate about their current situation in the workplace. In the face of this situation, they should not have the idea of resigning and changing jobs, because they will clash with Tai Sui this year, and it will not be fit for too much change in work. Once they quit the current jobs, they may not find new jobs in a long period. To improve career luck in 2023, 1990 Horses had better wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Horse sign

Financially, the Horses born in 1990 will be prone to some unexpected financial losses under the influence of the ominous star of "Guan Suo" in 2023. When they go out by means of transportation or attend parties, they should take good care of their personal belongings. When it comes to making money, they should not be too ambitious and arrogant, and they can run some safe and steady sideline businesses; they should not take the risk to do illegal and criminal things, and they should never attempt to make quick money in a short time. For female, better wear a Yellow Citrine Bracelet with Pi Xiu in 2023 to help bring good Feng Shui and rich in financial resources. And for male, better wear a Tiger’s eye bracelet with Pi Xiu

Love Relationship
In terms of love and relationship, the Horses born in 1990 will be unable to achieve their ideal state of life in 2023, no matter if they are single, in a relationship or married. The single Horses will still not get the good luck in love and relationship around them, and it will be very difficult for them to end their single status. Those who are in a relationship and have dating partners will be very likely to break up with their partners because each of them will be busy with their own personal affairs and they will have little communication with each other this year. As for the married, there will be a lot of problems in their family life. The married Horses may be cheated on, and their marital life will be in a state of turmoil. 1990 Horses are suggested to wear an Amethyst Bracelet with Horse sign to attract good love or solve love and marriage crisis in 2023. 
The health condition of the Horses born in 1990 will get worse day after day in 2023. They will look very weak and frail, with heavy dark circles, eye bags and acnes on the skin. Their complexion will also look pale. Facing this situation, they should learn to take care of their physical health, eat more nourishing food every day, and do more physical exercise regularly. 1990 Horses can wear a green agate bracelet with Horse sign to keep good healthy in 2023. If they often drive, they’d better hang a Brass Copper Gourd Car Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament for Good Luck and Safe Driving in 2023. 

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