2023/2024 Chinese Horoscope for 1960 Rat

Note: The horoscope prediction is for people born between January 28, 1960 and February 14, 1961. If you were born before January 28, 1960, please consult the 1959 Chinese Zodiac, which is year of the Pig.
* The prediction is valid for 2024 (year of the Dragon) starting from February 10, 2024 and lasting to January 25, 2025.

The year 2024 will be a very happy year for people born under the zodiac animal sign of the Rat in 1960. As they will be in compatibility with Tai Sui, they will have a fairly good fortune throughout the year. All lucky things will come to them in turn, and they will have many surprises. However, as there will be a lot of ominous stars around them in 2024, such as " Wu Gui (Five Ghosts)", they will become trance, having poor sleep quality and a very bad mood. As such, they must promptly release the negative emotions inside their heart.
Financially, the Rats born in 1960 can get the help of the auspicious star of "Jin Yu" in 2024. They will have many channels to obtain wealth, and they will get a bumper income from both their full-time jobs and sideline businesses. They will lead a well-off live. They will also get substantial returns from their investment and financial products. They should be brave enough to try new things, even buy the shares of the hot digital currency, because there is a high probability of making profits.
Although at the age of 64, when most of the Rats born in 1960 have already retired, there are many exceptions, such as the national professionals, university teachers, freelancers, and self-employed entrepreneurs. Although at this age, the Rats born in 1960 can get the assistance in their career development from the auspicious stars of "Hua Gai" and "San Tai", and their career development will be prosperous. They will also make a name in the industries that they are engaged in, and they will get a lot of people's recognition and respect.
Love Relationship
The love and relationship of the Rats will be very sweet and harmonious in 2024. The Rats born in 1960 are honest and faithful. They will not have any affairs, and their love and marriage relationships will be particularly stable. By the old age, the couples will take care of each other, and they will become model couples in the eyes of others. In 2024, they can make a detailed travel plan and accompany their partners to more travel destinations.
In 2024, the Rats born in 1960 should be wary of the ominous star of "Pi Tou" because it will bring illness and misfortune. They should learn to protect themselves and stay away from all hazards, and never make themselves suffer. At this age, they will more or less have some health problems. It is important for them to make targeted maintenance of their health, and they should also go to the hospital for physical examinations regularly so that the potential illnesses will be contained in the early beginning.
* The prediction is valid for 2023 Year of the Rabbit which is from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.

In 2023, the Rats born in 1960 will torture Tai Sui. In this year, as the Rats get older and their fortune is not good, their life will become very hard and tough. However, they should always have confidence in themselves and work hard for a better life in the future. In 2023, the Rats should take a long-term perspective, no matter if life is bitter or sweet. To bless them and the whole family with happiness and good luck, it’s better to wear a red rope bracelet or red agate bracelet with Rat sign in 2023.
In financial aspect, the Rats will not have a lot of income in 2023. So, they should not have the illusion of getting rich overnight. If there are high-risk investment products around them, they are supposed to think twice before they act, otherwise an impulsive idea may bring them a huge financial loss. This year, they should also take special precaution measures for home security. Security doors and windows and monitors should be properly arranged. They are also supposed not to store large amounts of cash at home. To improve wealth luck in 2023, they are suggested to wear a citrine bracelet with silver Pi Xiu.
For most people, in their sixties, they have basically shifted their focus from the workplace to their family life, but this will never happen to the Rats, because they are very career-minded. In 2023, although they can get the help of the auspicious star of "Wenchang" in career, the effect and results will be minor and minimal. This year, the Rats will make mistakes in some details at work, causing serious obstacles to the company's development. If the Rats are self-employed, it may also affect the development of their own companies. To improve career fortune and work smoothly in 2023, they'd better wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Rat sign pendant

Love Relationship
In terms of relationship, under the negative influence of the ominous star of "Xian Chi", the couples of the Rats will be prone to many problems and may quarrel all day long, making the family atmosphere depressing. If they want to have a happy family life, they should learn to restrain their bad temper. In the family life, they should take the initiative to do some household chores, instead of giving all housework to their partners to do. If disputes arise between the couples, the Rats should communicate with each other more, instead of just quarreling with their partners, because quarreling and arguing will only make the conflict more acute and tense. To improve relationship this year, they'd better wear an amethyst bracelet with Rat sign or place it under your pillow for better luck in love relationship. 

In terms of health, the Rats born in 1960 will suffer from many physical ailments, and even encounter the terrible cancer. As such, the Rats should go for regular physical checkups. In the daily life, they should learn to diet, especially for people who suffer from chronic physical illnesses. For instance, the diabetic patients should maintain a bland diet, and avoid eating too much sweet and greasy food, otherwise it will aggravate the disease. In vile weather conditions such as rain, snow, lightning and high winds, they should try to avoid going out so as to avoid calamities. Green agate bracelet with rat sign is a good lucky charm for Rats to exorcise evil spirits and protect health. For safe driving, they'd better hang a natural mahogany lotus car rearview mirror hanging ornament.