Chinese Zodiac
Talk about your Chinese zodiac animals, ask for your sign's personality, lucky elements, best match, horoscope and more.
zodiac sign
my father was born on 12/25/1911. what is his zodiac
Adjust time?
Hello, I am intrigued by Chinese zodiac and I am really thankful for this website. There is onl...
Manipulative Narcissist?
I know this isn't much of a question, but I just really wanna say this... I've seen a ...
Bone Weight measure
I was born in May 20, 1985 at 7:05 A.M. When I calculate my born measure via this site, I alway...
Unlucky year or Monthly Personality?
Again, I know I've (kind of) touched upon this when replying to some people, but I'm s...
Weird compatibilites
I know I've replied to people who also said a word on this, but... I dunno, I'm still k...
Need to know my marriage life,career and love life
Need to know My marriage life Love life Career settlement
Monkey and Dog future parents
Hi we are trying to find out which Chinese Zodiac children best for both of us. My husband&rsqu...
Birthday 09 March 1967
What will be my best years according to bazi calendar
Dob sept 28 1997 3:20
What Chinese zodiac my future man is?
Hi I'm a water pig female (12/8/83) what my future man is like? Thx
My true self
What is my true personality? With my Monthly sign being Goat, and Hourly sign being a Snake, an...
When will my best years in love come
Dob sept 28 1997 3:20
weekly horoscope
i always reading your weekly horoscope. but why this week no update from 4,Nov,2019 to 10,Nov,2...
when 'll' she get married
Hi, my friend's date of birth is 1st june 1975,time of birth (12:00 After Noon) {punjab,pak...
Chinese Zodiac or Birth Time
Which should we look Zodiac or Birth time ? Eg. Im born in the year of Ox 1973 but under Monke...
want baby boy
my dob 1989/12/ I want baby boy when is the right time to conceive
Are there any Introverted Monkeys that exist out there?
This is a little bit of a random but, are there any introverted monkeys that exist out there. I...
is there any chance of second marriage
hi, my DOB IS 12.8.1972 TIME OF BIRTH 2:00PM PLACE OF BIRTH PUNJAB PAKISTAN is there any chan...
How energetic is the Dog when it's combined with the Fire element?
This is a thing I see many articles and people split on. Many say that the fire dog is very shy...