Chinese Zodiac
Talk about your Chinese zodiac animals, ask for your sign's personality, lucky elements, best match, horoscope and more.
destiny by birth and month
was asking destiny by birth and month are applied both in a lifetime of a person or one of the...
Best year to conceive for pig mother
My husband sheep and i with a pig sign would like to have our second child, what year is best f...
DOB 24/01/1995 Time 11.02AM What can you tell from my bazi? Is there anything important i shou...
Ox born at 18 : 50 pm . How to invest money carefully and what is the best career for me
Ox - birth hour
How can a ox having good compatibality with rooster have bad destiny in 5 to 7 pm born can u te...
When is a good year for us to have a baby?
Hi, My DOB 08/15/89 Earth Snake and my fiance is 05/22/85 Wood Ox, what year would be good for...
Chinese Zodiac and Siblings
Hello! I am an Ox (1985) and my husband is a Rat. We have a son born in the year of the horse. ...
How to choose auspicious hour for a new business grand opening?
Hi, i have a new business set to open in August 2019. My chinese zodiac is dog and i am born in...
Remedies for Limited Auspicious Stars
What are some practical remedies for inauspicious zodiac stars? Is there a way to improve zodia...
Best year and month to give birth
Hi, My husband and I are planning to start our family and would like to know based on our sig...
Female Rabbit 1975, with a Male Tiger 1974 what date can we get married?
I am a Female Rabbit born Dec.1975, I am with a Male Tiger born in March 1974. I want to know w...
Chinese zodiac & Feng Shui get some things totally wrong.
I'm an Ox, but Chinese astrology is wrong about my family's animals. My sister is a Roo...
future career
birth date is 12 April, 1997 ,2:17 AM. Please tell future career path and when will get a job?
When Will my luck love begun according to my peach blossom
What year during my lucky pillars my love in luck start Dob Sept 28 1997 3:20 Born Mexico
What year I will get married?
My details born 23-June -1986 time 08:00 Am Will I get married or not ? When will I get marrie...
Will I get bank job?
DOB 20/11/1995 Time 7:12pm Place Machilipatnam,Andhra Pradesh, india Will I get bank or govern...
Horse year auspicious name
Hello, Is the name 霞梦 good for a female born in the HORSE year? Thanks!
Love Compatibility & Career, Financial Stability
Hello, My fiance and I are both born under the same sign, year and month. He was born Februa...
Will I marry to a foreigner
Birth time - 06:55 am,place - Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh,India,Birth date - 06 December 1999
Am I a Monkey or a Sheep or Hybrid
Hello! I was born February 4th 1992 between 1am-5am in London, England I would like to know ...