Chinese Zodiac
Talk about your Chinese zodiac animals, ask for your sign's personality, lucky elements, best match, horoscope and more.
Family planning
Hello, I am a fire rabbit 1987, and my husband is a earth monkey 1980. We have a son born in 2...
Sheep,or Monkey?
Is a person who's born on January 5,1992,a sheep,or monkey?
Learning subjects
Hi, I would like to ask learning subjects that suitable for my kids, if my kid are born on 9 se...
Weekly astrology
I hope u can update the weekly horoscope soon Tqvm 👍🏻👍🏻Ԁ...
When a
I was born in the year of Wu Xu, month pillar of Yin Wei (aug 4, 1958 6am female)then what is m...
Wedding date
Need an auspicious wedding date for 2023 Female Rabbit 2/10/88 Male Pig 7/22/1983 Thank you!!...
Weekly horoscope
Hello When will you update the weekly horoscope for rat zodiac? Thank you so much. Appreciate ...
male zodiac
Which chinese zodiac men treat their woman like princess?
Will I be married again?
I have been married when I was just 18 and I am divorced now is there a chance that I would be ...
Bracelet Charms for Money and Wealth
Can you tell me what Mala/Bracelet I can/should wear for luck? Name: Talib Hussain DOB: 30 Jan...
clingy or Aloof
which chinese zodiacs are clingy and which ones are aloof?
When will the weekly horoscope be post
When I open up the page it is for the year 2021. May I know when will it be updated. Thanks
Mean Zodiac
Which chinese zodiac is mean and bad tempered?
Deep love
Which chinese zodiac loves their partner deeply?
Which chinese zodiac is flirty?
Hello Which chinese zodiac men are romantic?
what happen n my love life 2022 will it change?
Im going 25 this year will my luck in love change when im 25 or when my Birthday happens?
Future prediction
My date of birth date 25/10/1973 predict my future
Which chinese zodiac is kind and well-mannered?❤
Which chinese zodiac is considerate?❤