Best Matches Based on Dog's Birth Month


In the table: Best Matches Based on Dog's Birth Month ist the compatibility for dog girls: dragon
Why can that work....???
I don't understand why under these table others signs are comapatible as under the table: Relationship Compatibility
For example, for dog girls ist the compatibility unter the table Based on Dog's Birth Month, the rabbit.
But there is in der Rabbit table Based on Dog's Birth Month no match with the dog. das make no sense!!!
Best regards. Doggy70

2 Answer(s)

Hi Doggy70,

Nothing is absolute. In most cases, Dog people couldn't be compatible with the Dragon People. But there is few situation that they can be the best match. Just as listed, Dog girl born in May is best matched with Dragon boy. In daily life, you could also find some of the couples with incompatible signs still could live happily. The birth month may take effect.
The best match for a Dog woman is a Tiger man.
The best match for a Dog man is a Horse woman.

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