Very Weak Bazi



I was born on a winter solstice and seems to have a very weak BaZi/Very strong water element in my life.
I am normally soon emigrating to China and trying to get a name for myself.

What would be your suggestions for elements/name to try to correct my very unequal BaZi ?

Results :
Water: 4 | Earth: 1 | Fire: 1 | Wood: 1 | Metal: 1 |
Your Five Elements (Wu Xing) have too many Water . Your Day Master is Fire and it needs to be supported by Earth element. Also, you should avoid to have more Metal.
Five Elements Score
Metal 10
Wood 15.6
Water 50.4
Fire 10
Earth 5
Same Group
Fire+Wood 25.6
Different Group
Metal+Water+Earth 65.4

2 Answer(s)

Please let me know your date of birth and birth time in order to provide you names to correct your weak Bazi.
I was born on December 21th, 1993 at 7:37 solar hour.

From the chart I could calculate I found that I have the following 八字 :
Hour: RenChen 壬辰
Day: YangZi 丙子
Month: JiaZi 甲子
Year: GuiYou 癸酉

I can see that my chart is predominately formed of water (Either the stem or the branch is watery) and I have just one character of the other elements.
However I heard that the Dragon is a weak Earth and contain too some water root.

I would have liked to get some more Earth to control the Water Qi I might have but I'm afraid it would feed undirectly the amount of Metal I have (has both my Year and Month pillar seem to give out metal) and thus reinforce my Water. So I guess I'd have to reinforce the Wood to harmonize Water and Fire, or directly some Fire to reinforce my Day Master which is the lone Fire element of my Natal chart.

I was thinking about something like 南光材. But I have been told it does not sound much natural.

Thank you beforehand for your interest.

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