Baby gender prediction


My last menstruation period is 18th of April, 2017. My date of birth is 2nd July 1984. Do I have boy or girl?

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Chinese Gender Predictor

36 Answer(s)

Hi Eva,

In Chinese calendar, your lunar conception month is March. Lunar age at the time of conception is 34.

Prediction of Baby Gender according to Chines Gender Chart: Boy
Hi my last menstruation period is 25th February 2017. My date of birth is 2nd September I have boy or girl
Hi Kums,

Your are carrying a girl according to the Chinese Gender Chart.
Hi my last menstrution is february 18 2917. My date of birth is march 28, 1989 do i have girl or boy?
Hi Elgieh,

Your conception month is February in Chinese lunar calendar.
Lunar age at the time of conception is 29.
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Hi my last mentsruation was 18 oct 2016.My date of birth is 3 AUGUST 1989.Do i have a boy or girl?
Hi my last mentsruation was 2 May 2017. May date of birth is 7 Dec 1982. Do I have a baby girl or boy?
Hi Anshu,

You are carrying a baby girl according to the Chineses Gender Chart.
Hi mellissa,

Your lunar conception month: September
Lunar age at the time of conception: 28
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
My LMP was on 17-Dec-2017
DOB 26-Oct-1983
This is my second child, will I have a boy or a girl?
Hi my last LMP was in 8th Jan 2017 my date of birth is 3rd October 1987 ....Is it a baby boy or girl?

Hi Krithika,

Your conception month: November

Lunar age at the time of conception: 34

Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy

Hi Giteema,

Your lunar conception month: December
Lunar age at the time of conception: 30
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Hi my last LMP was in 19th sep 2016 my date of birth is 25th feb 1991 ....Is it a baby boy or girl?
Hi Subi,

Your lunar conception month: August
Lunar age at the time of conception: 26
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
If some ones mensuration cycle is not fixed..
So how any1 can detect the concieving date?
The last menstrual period first date is used as the conception date for baby gender prediction.
Hi my last menstruation was 12 February 2017. May date of birth is 17 Dec 1995. Do I have a baby girl or boy?
Hi Hildah,

Here is the prediction result based on Chinese gender chart for your reference:

Lunar conception month: January
Lunar age at the time of conception: 23
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
HAI DOB: 1.1.1991 & LMP 12.12.2016 TELL ME BOY OR GIRL PLEASE
Hi Tarun,

This is the prediction result according to Chinese Gender Chart:
Your lunar conception month: November
Lunar age at the time of conception: 27
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Hi my last mensturation 25 april my date of birth 19 jan 1988 tell me it's a girl or boy
Please reply
Hi Bhawana,

Your lunar conception month: March
Lunar age at the time of conception: 31
Prediction of Baby Gender based on Chinese Gender Chart: Boy
Hi, my last menses was 15th December 2016 and I was born 14th of March 1980. Am i carrying a baby boy or girl?
Hi Chinonye Frances victor,

Your lunar conception month: November
Lunar age at the time of conception: 37
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Hi am shila my last menses were 19 Nov,iwas born on 16 Feb it aboy or girl?
Hi shamim mutangana,

You are carrying a baby girl according to the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart.
I am viv, my date of birth is Dec 25 1980 and my last period was 22nd of may.Am carrying a boy or a girl?
Please reply viv.

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