Chinese Names for Rooster Year People/Babies

Characters Auspicious for People of Rooster Zodiac Sign

1. 禾、秀、秦、程、稞、谷、积、米、粮
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''禾'', ''米'', ''豆'', ''梁'', ''麦'' , ''栗'' (which are related to five cereals) because the Rooster eats five cereals, looks for food all day long and is excited after finding the food. If your name includes these kinds of characters, you will have an enriched inner world.

2. 岂、岗、岱、岭、森、树、桦、荣、栋、梁
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''山'' (meaning: mountain) are suggested because the Rooster standing on the mountain looks bright and valiant, thus a meaning of upgrade to phoenix and promotion. In addition, the Rooster likes to perch in the trees in a peaceful and comfortable manner. However, the earthly branch ''酉'' of Rooster belongs to metal in five elements while metal is in inter-restriction with wood (木). Therefore, the characters with the radical of ''木'' should be used carefully.

3. 形、彦、彤、彬、彭、纬、维、采
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''彡'', ''纟'', ''采'', ''系''  (which are related to colorful clothing). The radical ''彡'' will make the Rooster more beautiful and popular among others; the radical ''采'' indicates the beautiful cockscomb and the crown, thus a symbol of heroic and power.

4. 章、彰、毕、平、中、聿
The Rooster loves standing on one foot, thus has healthy feet. Therefore, the characters which look like standing on one foot, such as ''章'' and ''毕'' are suggested.

5. 士、土、吉
Chinese characters with the radical of ''小'' (meaning: little) or with the meaning of raising head are recommended because the little rooster is cute but the big one will be killed. Besides, the healthy rooster can raise its head and strides proudly ahead.

6. 守、安、宋、宜、宛、宙、定、宇
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''宀'' and ''冖'' which mean house and shelter, thus the Rooster can be sheltered under the eaves or in the caves.

7. 道、达、邱、牛、轩、牡、产、凤、鸣、茜、羽、翎
Chinese characters with the radicals which are compatible with the earthly branch ''酉'' of Rooster, such as ''巳'' which is the earthly branch of Snake and ''丑'' which is the earthly branch of Ox.

Characters Inauspicious for People of Rooster Zodiac Sign

1. 卯、柳、仰、勉、逸、东、栋、陈、月、朋、有、朝、 期、本
You people under the Rooster sign should avoid the characters which conflict with Rooster. Since the earthly branch ''酉'' of Rooster conflicts with the earthly branch ''卯'' of Rabbit, Chinese characters with the radical or meaning of ''卯'' should not be selected, or you will be seriously harmed and prone to illness. ''月'' (meaning: moon) , ''兔'' (meaning: rabbit) and ''东'' (meaning: east) also belong to these characters as ''卯'' is in the east while ''酉'' is in the west, thus conflict with each other.

2. 金、钧、铭、锋、钱、镇、秋
Chinese characters with the radical of ''金'' and ''钅'' (meaning metal) are not suggested because the earthly branch ''酉'' of Rooster belongs to metal in five elements and the combination between metal and meatal will be prone to infighting. The radicals like ''西'', ''兑'', ''申'', ''秋'' and ''酉'' also have the similar meaning.

3. Chinese characters with the radicals of ''刀'', ''示'', ''力'', ''石'', ''人'', ''手'', ''血'', ''水'', ''字'', ''子'', ''亥'' and ''北'' are also not suggested since they indicate killing and hurt.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Surnames

It would be preferable to select the following surnames for the people born in the Rooster year.
颜、顾、康、贺、石、张、庞、龙、龚、农、常、陈、牟、连、毛、岳、孟、丞、袁、侯、牛、钮、司、吴、谷、祝、商、方、郑、斐、翁、邬、谭、姚、彭、潘 and etc.
It would not be good to choose the following surnames:
狄、马、冯、丁、洪、汪、江、孔、游、池、沈、温、梁、徐、倪、佟、吕、高、哈、麦、熊、柳、刘、成、武、盛 and etc.

Click for more common Chinese surnames or Hundred Family Surnames.

Lucky Given Names for Boys and Girls Born in 2017 the Year of the Rooster

Following are decent and elegant given names for boys and girls with detailed meanings.

Auspicious Given Names for Rooster Year Boys
浩宇 having a large heart liking the universe
文博 erudite and versatile
荣轩 having an unusual demeanor
建辉 having the ability to achieve significant achievements
炎彬 elegant
健柏 enjoying a good health and a long life
栋梁 of great ability and tremendous potential
懿轩 dignified and distinguished-looking
荣浩 glorious and grand
伯达 dignified

Auspicious Given Names for Rooster Year Girls
靖琪 safe and beautiful
美琳 pretty, kindhearted and active
语嫣 nice and bright
茹雪 as pure as snow
淑颖 virtuous and clever
雅琳 very graceful
婉婷 gentle and beautiful
美莲 as beautiful as lotus and elevated in character
雅静 gentle and quiet
依娜 having a supple and graceful bearing

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