Standing with a white tiger


i had a dream a few months back around july 2016 and i keep thinking about and wondering what it means. in this dream, which didn't seem long or that i was being physical, i was standing at the edge of a rain forrest or something there in the likes of and beside me was sitting in a calm collective, warm sense of comfort, a large white tiger. i was not in fear of him nor was he in fear of me. we seem to understand one another yet i was over come with a great maybe even an extreme sadness because i was saying goodbye to me dog, who is pretty healthy as far as last check up is concerned. but he, my dog, was walking away from me, i tried to call him but he kept going. i want to say that he might have looked back once but not for a long time if he had looked back. he just kept walking till i couldn't see him and more. once he disappear the heaviness was lifted, but not completely. i was still very sad, but somehow was ok with it and knew i will have to completely let go of my dog and the sadness. but all this time the tiger with bright blue gray eyes kept looking up at me reassuring my feelings it seemed. i remember turning to the tiger saying something, but i not exactly sure what i said to him now. but soon after i said something to this tiger, we continued on whatever journey we were on and it seem like we had been on this journey for a while, a long while, because i felt he and i both knew there was more to go, wherever we were trying to get to on this journey. plus it seem like he had also been carrying some personal still like a water jug and maybe a tent or some sort for housing, on and this whole time i have in my left hand either a long wood spear or wooden staff with just leather wrapped in the middle of it i'm guessing just extra cushion for the placement of my hand. i am pretty sure it was more of a spear than just a staff. and then i awoke, with a feeling of understanding, peace, confusion and a bit of sadness, but over all somehow gracious.

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