Predict gender


My date of birth is Jan 06 last period was on November 10 2015..

67 Answer(s)

My d o b is 13 October 1994.And My Last Month period is 14 April 2016 want to know gender of the baby
Dear Shela,

This is the prediction result for your baby's gender based on Chinese Gender Chart:
Your lunar conception month: March
Your lunar age at the time of conception: 23
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Hi, my DOB is 24-02-1989 and last period date was 12-04-2016.

Want to know baby's gender..
Hi Vinni,

Your lunar conception month: March
Lunar age at the time of conception: 28
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy

Just for your reference.
my D O B is 4 july 1985.
I conceived 17 november 2016.
I want to know gender of the baby.
Date of birth is August 28 1991 last period oct 25
Date of birth is August 28 1991 last period oct 25
My date of birth is 9.9.81. I got my last periods on 18.11.2016. I want to know the gender of unborn baby.
Hi meetu,
Your lunar conception month: October
Lunar age at the time of conception: 36
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Hi my dob 13 Nov 1986 last period 16 nov 2016 could you please predict for me
Hi Purpleprincess1986,

Your lunar conception month: October
Lunar age at the time of conception: 31
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
plz reply my question
i am date of birth 1982 september 2
necessary my boy which is conception day please my answer
Hi Gita,

The best dates for you include:

April 1, 2017 - April 25, 2017
May 26, 2017 - May 31, 2017
June 1, 2017 - June 23, 2017
October 20, 2017 - October 31, 2017
November 1, 2017 - November 30, 2017
December 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017
my menstruate period is march 15 2017 which day conception day fix day is conception day is boy
Hi my D.o.b is August 3rd 1992 and my last L.m.p was dec.13th 2016
Hi Jules003

Lunar conception month: November
Lunar age at the time of conception: 25
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Hello my wife date of birth is 28 june 1987 and 30th Dec 2016 was her 1st day of last period kindly tell me about my baby gender.
Hi Sanjay,

Your lunar conception month: December
Lunar age at the time of conception: 30
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
hi my date of birth is may 16 1986 and my last period was feb 22 2017 .please tell me about baby gender.
Hi NM,

Prediction result for you:

Your lunar conception month: January
Lunar age at the time of conception: 32
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
I conceive a baby boy. When it is the best time. My dob is 25nov 2017
Hi Gagan,

Please correct your birth year.
Hi! My DOB is 10/01/82, my last missed period was 4/18/17. Please tell me your gender prediction. Thank you!
Correction: My last missed period was 5/13/17, first day of last period was 4/18/17.
Hi Sunrise,

You may get a boy.

Prediction result:
Lunar conception month: March
Lunar age at the time of conception: 36
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Thank you, Rose!
My DOB is October 7th, 1977. My last period was May 6th 2017. What is my baby's gender?
Hi And,

You may get a girl.
My DOB is 3 October 1982
my LMP is 14 june 2017

want to know gender of the baby
Hi Sonu,

Your lunar conception month: May
Lunar age at the time of conception: 36
Prediction of Baby Gender based on Chinese Gender Chart: Boy

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