Love Match
Find out your compatible zodiac animals and let others help you to check if your partner goes all the way with you.
Tiger (male) born on 4/04/1962 and Rooster (female) born on 5/27/1957
Tiger (male) born on 4/04/1962 and Rooster (female) born on 5/27/1957: are we compatible and ca...
Fire horse and earth monkey. What's are compadialbity
Man born July 27, 1973 with woman born August 12, 1977
Could it be long and happy love relationship?
Marriage age
When will we get married? Female :11.9.2002 Yangon,Myanmar 10:05am Male :23.11.1998 Sydney,Aus...
I'm an Earth Tiger (Aquarius), am I compatible with a Fire Ox (male Aquarius)?
I'm pretty much carefree, introvert, and a hopeless romantic. I prefer dominating men too a...
Male born 4th january 1994 10.02 am gmt+1 I met a nurse on 3rd december 2020, can you tell me ...
This is Shrutika and I love a guy named Sushant.
We both have been together for almost 2years. From time being we were in relationship his broth...
Love marriage or arranged?If arranged,will I be able to avoid&have love one?
11.9.2002 Yangon,Myanmar 10:05am female Love marriage or arranged marriage? Or both possible &a...
Will we have love marriage? Tho there will surely be difficulties to get togethe
Female DOB: 11.9.2002 10:05am Yangon,Myanmar (Libra Lagna) Make DOB: 23.11.1998 around 1pm Syd...
Am I Compatible with him?
Birthday male: 27 Jan 1980 (time no sure) female: 26 June 1980 11.30am Am I compatible with ...
Will we be able to be together forever?
Dates of birth, Male : 23.11.1998(Sydney,Australia,time around 1pm afternoon,doesn’t know exac...
Are we compatible for marry or better friends?
Male- dec 24 1977 Female - july 5 1979 I cant read if this male snake sign is still love me or ...
When we will get married amd how our future together will be?
Hi My name is ramandeep kaur and his name is Harkirat singh Date of birth 02/27/1998, his 21o...
Are me and my girlfriend compatible?
Hi, I'm a male born in June 28 1993 (rooster), i've been dating my girlfriend born in ...
Marriage Relationship
Hi, my date of birth is 1 July 1992 time is 12:15 pm i am female and friend date of birth is 2...
Who will i marry
I has always wonder who i would get marry with the special person.?
If we have low score of Bazi marriage, what should we do?
We are married and now we have two daughters. I realize that we can not get together well. I ha...
Are we compatible?
Hi, are we compatible for marriage? Girl: September 10,1997 Boy: March 30, 1993
Chinese calculator or Gregorian ???
In the Marriage Compatibility Calculator section, should we enter the Gregorian date or Chines...
Female wood tiger and male fire dragon
Female wood tiger ( month may, day 7) and male fire dragon ( month february, )what are the chan...