Female Goat giving birth April to Female Monkey


How does this year look for me (goat mom) and my monkey daughter to be. Will we get along, will she be strong and healthy and smart?

2 Answer(s)


The year will be a good year for you:
Detailed horoscope prediction for the Goat in 2016 here:

Monkey and Sheep are compatible with each other according to Chinese zodiac compatibility chart. Believe you could get a long very well in the future.

A baby born in the Monkey year will be very auspicious to you and your family. Most of the Chinese people like the Monkey sign. In character, the Monkey people usually are wise, intelligent, confident, charismatic, loyal, inventive and have leadership.
Thank you very much for responding. How do Tiger(dad) and Pig (big sister) get along with those born in the year of the Monkey? Me (goat) mom never have been close with my (pig) daughter as we are very different personalities but great respect for each other just not friends like most moms n daughters.

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