Baby boy
Asked by C***6 |
My last day of period is oct/9/17 today my period is irregular.. my DOB is dec/05/1983 I wanna plan to have boy in 2017 .. I don't know my ovulation day... any best days and months plz
Asked by C***6 |
Sep 20 - Oct 19 (35 lunar years old, the 8th lunar month)
Dec 18 - Dec 31 (35 lunar years old, the 11th lunar month)
You'd better find your ovulation day by monitoring your body's temperature (In general, if you find your temperature is not normal and increase especially in the morning after you get up, it hints your ovulation period is coming.), observing a sample of cervical mucus (If it's slippery, clear and stretchy just like the consistency of egg whites, you are more likely fertile), using the ovulation test paper or other ovulation prediction kits.