Auspicious Days for sign paper for closing and move in


My husband and I are both year of tiger and my daughters are rooster and dog. We are looking to sign paper to close on the house sometime in April 2020 and move into the house after we sign papers. Which days are auspicious days for our family to do this? Thank you in advance!

3 Answer(s)

Hi Jenny Luong,

Auspicious dates for you to sign paper to close the house in April 2020 are April 2nd, 5th, 17th and 29th.

Auspicious dates for you to move into the house include April 5th, 20th, 24th and 29th.
Hi Mary,

Thank you for your response! Due to delays we are looking to sign and move in May. What auspicious days are good for sign paper to close and move into the house in May? Thanks again in advance!
Hi Jenny Luong,

May 10th and 30th are auspicous dates for you to sign.
May.15th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 23rd and 30th are auspicous dates for you to move into the house.

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